Come alimentarsi per mantenere in salute il tuo capello

How to eat to keep your hair healthy

Hair health, its regrowth and daily nutrition are inextricably linked to each other.

It is enough to see the chemical composition of hair to realize that it is made up of 65/96% solid proteins such as keratin, known as a substance capable of strengthening hair, and the rest of water, fats, pigments and trace elements.

If we then think of the fact that the keratin of the hair is composed of two essential amino acids, cystine and lysine, called "essential" precisely because the body is unable to produce them on its own, then it becomes evident that these elements must be taken through food, or with hair supplements, there is no other way.

A diet low in these proteins makes the hair very fragile and thin, unfortunately favoring the appearance of split ends.

hair nutrition

Nutrition for hair loss

Proper nutrition is certainly a good natural remedy for healthy hair, but it is always and only one of the many factors that influence hair health.

That is to say that even the best hair nutrition may not be sufficient to guarantee against the risk of premature baldness and is not related to any scalp pathologies.

Hair nutrition and nourishment

Let's see in more detail how to nourish your hair with a healthy and natural diet without resorting to hair supplements:


As anticipated, cystine and lysine are the two essential amino acids for the synthesis of keratin which builds and strengthens hair.

Keratin is a protein particularly rich in sulfur amino acids, the same ones we find in meat and fish, and which, on the contrary, are lacking in legumes.

Taurine and Arginine are two other types of basic molecules which contribute to the nourishment of the hair bulbs and therefore to the nourishment of the hair and which we find above all in red meat, eggs and fish.

hair protein


These foods should be eaten at least 2/3 times a week because they serve to strengthen the hair by giving volume and resistance to their cortex; just what too fine hair lacks.

For this reason, not only food, but also hair supplements cannot lack an adequate protein content.



A diet attentive to the health of the hair cannot do without it; it is no coincidence that we find some of the following substances, isolated and purified, also in hair supplements:

Vitamin A , abundant in egg yolks, fatty fish, green leafy vegetables and liver; also useful for skin health.

Group B vitamins regulate the metabolism of the hair follicle and are essential because, like all other vitamins, our cells are unable to produce them independently.

Vitamin B1 or Thiamine , allows the hair to grow in a healthy and robust way: it is contained above all in legumes.

Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin , present in eggs, dairy products, broccoli and green beans, promotes sebaceous secretion (production of sebum) and metabolic processes. Its absence can cause dry skin (asteatosis).

Vitamin B3 or Niacin is essential for the health of our hair because it intervenes in the correct functioning of energy metabolism.

Vitamin B4 or Adenine , found in meat, cereals, potatoes, egg yolks and tomatoes, improves the activity of hair follicles.

Vitamin B5 or pantotheic acid , found in eggs, peanuts, mushrooms, liver and broccoli, contributes to the strength of the hair shaft and accelerates hair regrowth.

Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine , is involved in the assimilation of proteins and acts on the enzyme 5 alpha-reductase by contrasting the production of DHT.

Vitamin B8 or Biotin (also known as vitamin H) optimizes lipid metabolism by preventing the onset of seborrheic dermatitis.

Vitamin B9 or folic acid is essential for the synthesis of proteins, including keratin. Its deficiency causes telogen effluvium, i.e. abundant hair loss.

Vitamin E , which we find in vegetable oils and whole grains, counteracts free radicals, responsible for cellular deterioration and hair loss.


Hair health also depends on an adequate intake of minerals, often deficient in today's diet.

The lack of trace elements favors hair loss known as telogen effluvium, and therefore a balanced diet should always contain:


Present in red meat, spinach and fruit, it is essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin and the oxygenation of the blood which nourishes the skin of the hair and scalp, as well as for the production of color pigments which counteract the onset of gray hair.


It is found in spinach, shellfish and potatoes, it contributes to the synthesis of melanin which colors the hair and prevents gray hair.


Present in vegetables and peanuts, it favors the development of enzymes that are involved both in the production of melanin and in hair regrowth; a complete diet must include a sufficient amount of it.


Found in meat and fish, it promotes the activity of the germinal cells of the matrix and, consequently, hair growth or hair loss in the absence of this trace element.


Present in white meats, liver and ham, it counteracts weak and brittle hair.

Diet and Hair

Almost all people can now afford a complete diet of all the substances necessary to maintain healthy hair, but in some cases slimming diets or particularly difficult tastes produce serious nutritional deficiencies which cause hair thinning or alopecia.

The most common cases of bad hair nutrition are:


It is often due to excessively restrictive weight loss diets, which reduce the supply of all the main nutrients of the hair and even the bare minimum of carbohydrates.

In the face of a genetic propensity to hair loss, this conduct is truly harmful and risks significantly accelerating thinning;


There are people who find citrus fruits and vegetables bland and unattractive to the point of never eating them.

It goes without saying that this dietary behavior, if not compensated for by the use of hair supplements, greatly reduces the variety of essential substances to nourish the hair properly.

The lack of vitamin A, for example, makes the scalp dry and the hair dry and dull.

This is why a diet that ignores vitamins and some important trace elements such as magnesium constitutes a wrong diet that does not strengthen the hair and obtains the exact opposite result.

Foods and hair treatments

There are foods that help strengthen hair by acting on the peripheral circulation of the scalp.

This is the case of chocolate which is rich in proteins and other very important mineral elements for the human body, it intervenes directly on the blood circulation of our scalp and is used in some beauty treatments.

The important spice is the chilli pepper.

Capsaicin, a chemical substance contained within it, is a vaso-dilator and its local application could help the blood flow to our skin and stimulate the hair bulbs to remain productive and prevent hair loss.

Meat and fish help our hair: in fact, poultry contains noble proteins that help the cells of our hair to synthesize keratin and grow thick and healthy hair.

Salmon contains proteins rich in lysine (the key amino acids for hair health) and is rich in omega 3, necessary to maintain the integrity of our skin cells.

Conclusions on diet and hair nutrition

In all four cases, if it is not possible, or intended, to change diet and food style, hair supplements can be used, provided that the choice of the most appropriate product is made under the advice of a doctor or other qualified figures.

Depending on the type of food deficiency manifested, there are suitable supplements to be used strictly in the prescribed quantities.

The cases analyzed represent a limited percentage in the food landscape of advanced countries, where the diet of the majority of people is sufficiently rich in all the nutrients necessary for nourishing the hair and the entire body.

Consequently, when in the presence of a balanced diet or while resorting to hair supplements, the fall continues to be abnormal, then it is important to rely on a specialist, a trichologist, who is able to carry out a hair test to identify the possible causes of the hair loss.

If these are due to skin anomalies that alter the normal hair regrowth cycle, the trichologist will propose the most suitable trichological treatment to recover the health of the scalp.

The best diet or nutrition for hair is often not enough to stop hair loss.

So if you want to have a result combined with a balanced diet, the Krescita treatment is the ideal product for your hair and skin.

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